On June 27,2015, the Constant Spring Family History Centre in Kingston Jamaica held their RootsTech Family History Event. From 1pm to 4pm, members from Constant Spring, Boulevard, Portmore, Spanish Town, Linstead and Old Harbour were invited to use the centre to participate in Family History Work.
Family History work or genealogy work is very important to the members of The Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. This work includes creating accounts on the church’s family history website, www.familysearch.org. This large database allows members to search for and identify their ancestors, as it gives them access to millions of genealogical records worldwide. It also allows members to create a family tree which links families together throughout generations.

This event was primarily aimed at creating new accounts for those who are not familiar with family history work, and to assist those who are familiar to continue the search for their ancestors. Full time missionaries and family history missionaries from the church were on hand to assist members in doing so.
Approximately twenty members were in attendance apart from the missionaries and the majority of them were successful in identifying their ancestors. Many of these same members were doing the work in preparation for the upcoming temple trip where vicarious work is done for their ancestors. Those who were not successful on the day continued to search and use the skills they were taught at the event and were later successful in their search. All participants expressed joy at their success and were encouraged to continue to do the work they had started.