On Sunday, March 11, 2018, President Leroy Blake, of the Old Harbour congregation of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, participated in the third annual Interfaith Conference at the Mahdi Mosque of the Ahmadiyya Muslim faith in Bushy Park, St. Catherine, Jamaica.

The conference commenced at 4:00 pm where there were approximately 100 persons in attendance from various faiths, including religious education students from local schools. Among the speakers were Reverend Adrian Ellis, a pastor of Breakfree Healing Pentecostal Church in Clarendon; Brother Acarya Giitisudhananda Avadhuta, representing Ananda Marga (Path of Bliss); Imam Idrees, representing Ahmadiyya Islam; Heru Ishakamusa Menelik JP, President of the Rastafari Innity Council; and President Leroy Blake, representing The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. These various leaders were gathered to discuss their faiths’ views on contemporary issues relating to women, crime, and violence in society. Central to the views expressed by all speakers was the need for a focus on the family as the fundamental unit of society.

President Leroy Blake was able to reaffirm the LDS Church’s position that the family is ordained of God. He shared principles of self- reliance that are currently available to members of the LDS Church and non-members alike. He shared the various programs such as workshops centering on starting and growing a business, finding employment, and improving education for better work. These workshops are designed to assist the family in becoming self-reliant.
The conference attendees asserted that family issues relating to women, crime, and violence can decrease when the importance of the family, the fundamental unit of society, is recognized and resources and helps are offered to families through various avenues such as those shared at the conference.

The speakers from the various faiths were appreciative of the opportunity to share their faiths’ views on the important issues facing society today.